The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow: Nathanial’s Second Act

Nathanial never imagined that one impulsive climb would lead to months of recovery at Shriners Children’s Texas.

His summer took an unexpected turn when curiosity led him to climb what he thought were telephone poles.

“I was really bored over the summer,” Nathanial said. “I had the not-so-bright idea to climb these poles, but they turned out to be power lines. I got zapped and fell.”

The accident resulted in electrical burns covering 45% of his body. Nathanial was airlifted to Texas Children’s Hospital and later transferred to Shriners Children’s Texas in Galveston for specialized burn care. One of his earliest memories after the accident was overhearing the medical team discussing the amputation of his left arm.

“I was in and out of consciousness, but I remember waking up to hear them say they were going to cut off my left arm,” Nathanial said. “I just asked if they could take off my watch first.”

Nathanial’s sense of humor has been a constant source of strength, using jokes to lighten the mood and keep his spirits high during the toughest of times. Nathanial also credits his positive outlook on recovery to the compassionate care of his pediatric intensive care unit nurses at Shriners Children’s Texas.

I had the not-so-bright idea to climb these poles, but they turned out to be power lines. I got zapped and fell.
Nathanial, Shriners Children's Texas Patient

“Maddie, Rick, Gene and Jenny were a few of my favorites,” he said. “Gene always said, 'Better out than in' when I was throwing up, and Jenny gave me coloring books to encourage me to start using my right hand.” Previously left-handed, Nathanial had to adapt to using his right hand for everyday tasks. Adjusting to life without his dominant hand has been challenging, but he is already making steady progress thanks to his physical therapy, especially with his handwriting.

While healing in the hospital, Nathanial kept himself entertained by watching movies and streaming shows. However, he missed his high school classmates, and being on stage. “School is not the same right now,” he said. “I miss seeing my friends and doing theatre. I am so excited to go back next month.”

Theatre has always been a passion of Nathanial’s. During his recovery, he found comfort in music and often sang show tunes to distract himself during tub time, with Tomorrow from Annie being one of his favorites. As for upcoming roles, Nathanial already has one in mind. With a smile, he said, “One day, there’s going to be a play where they need an old guy with one arm, and I want to play him.” Nathanial’s journey is just beginning, but one thing is certain: With his passion, humor and determination, he’ll continue to light up every stage he steps onto.

Nathanial Receives Support From Friends, Family and Even His Dog

Nathanial is slowly returning to a sense of normalcy in his everyday life.

Nathanial's first time outside after his accident, accompanied by his mom and sisters.

Nathanial is welcomed home in College Station, Texas.

Nathanial works on his balance during an outpatient physical therapy session.

Nathanial practices writing with his right hand during physical therapy.

Nathanial walks his dog, Chewie, for the first time after the accident.

Nathanial visits his high school for the first time after his accident to see his classmates in Alice in Wonderful.

Next Steps

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