For Jaedin, playing basketball is a great stress reliever.
She loves that it gives her the chance to release tension and aggression in a safe space, and allows her to have fun being part of a team. So, when she hurt her leg after colliding with another player in the middle of a championship basketball game, Jaedin hoped she would only have minor injuries and keep playing the game. That, unfortunately, was not the case.
Soon after, Jaedin was diagnosed with a torn ACL (anterior cruciate ligament), and her family knew the best place to come for treatment was Shriners Children’s Texas. ACL tears are common sports-related injuries that often occur in teenage athletes, and Shriners Children’s is well versed in treating them. Jaedin and her family had an initial consultation with her doctor, then started on two weeks of pre-surgical therapy at Shriners Children’s Texas.
They wanted her to be comfortable. Everyone was very knowledgeable and ready to do 150% to help her.
Jaedin’s grandfather, John Dunn, who is a Shriner himself, couldn’t say enough positive things about Jaedin’s lead-up to her surgery at the Galveston Shriners hospital. Doctors, nurses, therapists and physical therapists all put Jaedin first, and made it their goal to take away her anxiety and make her feel as good as possible about her surgery and remaining physical therapy. “They wanted her to be comfortable,” her grandfather said. “Everyone was very knowledgeable and ready to do 150% to help her.”
Jaedin’s therapy after her surgery focused on increasing her mobility and taking away any of the pain she might be having. Physical therapists worked with her to create simple exercises that she could do at home, speeding up her recovery time and giving her the confidence to take charge of her own recovery. “For the therapists, it was all about making her feel good and inspiring her to get better,” Dunn said. Jaedin said she was excited to completely heal and get back to her basketball team, and was grateful that Shriners Children's made her physical therapy so fun.
In addition to basketball, Jaedin plays volleyball and participates in track and field. She also likes to play the piano and draw, and wants to be a veterinarian when she grows up.
Diagnosed with a torn ACL, Jaedin is working on getting back on her feet and into the game.
Jaedin works with her physical therapist to extend her range of motion.
Jaedin learns a variety of stretches and exercises to help in her recovery.
Jaedin plays volleyball and participates in track and field.
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