Grateful Patient Family Praises 'Amazing' Burn Care at Shriners Children’s Boston

A fun day at summer camp for 7-year-old Kaiden ended with a trip to the emergency room when he was accidentally scalded by hot water.

After waiting hours to be seen, Kaiden’s mom, Ashley, felt his treatment was not adequate and contacted Shriners Children’s Boston. They got an appointment the very next day, receiving compassionate care and peace of mind that Kaiden would make a swift recovery.

Kaiden sustained a scald injury during a water fight on his last day of summer camp. The campers had access to a water dispenser with both hot and cold levers. Another camper inadvertently used the hot lever to fill a cup with water and threw it, hitting Kaiden. “The water out of the cooler was so hot it scalded Kaiden through his shirt onto his right upper abdomen and his right upper arm,” explained Ashley. “My husband, Stephen, and I were called and rushed him to our local ER.”

When Kaiden’s family left the emergency room several hours later, Ashley was concerned about the amount of discomfort her son was still experiencing. “As a mom I didn’t feel right about the care we received,” she explained. “I began researching different locations that specialize in burns and wound care, and that is when I stumbled upon the Shriners Children’s website and the Boston hospital. I called and was able to schedule an appointment for the following morning, a Saturday. We took the ride from Connecticut and the care we received was remarkable.”

In addition to treating Kaiden’s burn injury, the staff at Shriners Children’s Boston took the time to get to know him and explain the next steps of his care plan. “The doctor was fun, loving and truly cared,” said Ashley. “The nurses who surrounded Kaiden talked to him as if they were truly interested in who he was as a child.”

Kaiden has zero scarring. It looks like nothing ever happened. We can’t be more grateful for Shriners Children’s Boston!
Ashley, Kaiden's mom

Ashley and Stephen also learned more from Kaiden’s care team about the type of water dispenser that led to his injury. “I didn’t realize how hot the water can get,” said Ashley. “The doctor explained how dangerous they are. A typical hot water cooler can reach temperatures around 190°F to 203°F (88°C to 95°C), which is almost boiling. The hot water lever should always be disconnected when children have access.”

When they left Shriners Children’s Boston, Ashley was given a number to text with any questions or concerns. A nurse called to check in two days later, and in between each follow-up appointment Kaiden’s care team stayed in contact. “We are so thankful for everything the staff did for us,” said Ashley. “Kaiden received so much love and care. The calls to check in on his physical and mental well-being were amazing.”

Kaiden was back to his favorite activities in no time, including baseball. According to Ashley, he is never without his glove and a ball. He is a huge fan of the New York Yankees, especially Aaron Judge, his favorite player. He also enjoys making loom bracelets, collecting Pokémon and baseball cards, traveling, and all things Disney.

Ashley and Stephen couldn’t believe how quickly Kaiden’s injuries healed. They were able to keep their family’s summer vacation plans on schedule, after fearing cancellation might be necessary when his accident occurred. “Kaiden has zero scarring. It looks like nothing ever happened,” said Ashley. “We can’t be more grateful for Shriners Children’s Boston!”

Meet Kaiden

Kaiden was back to his favorite activities in no time after burn treatment at Shriners Children's Boston.

Kaiden in action on the baseball field.

Kaiden is all smiles at Disney World, one of his favorite places.

Kaiden watches his favorite team, the New York Yankees.

Next Steps

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