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From Patient to Provider: How Shriners Children’s Texas Inspired Jacy to Become a Physician Assistant

Jacy’s journey to becoming a physician assistant began long before her graduation from the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB). It started at age 7, when a devastating car accident left her fighting to walk again.

The accident left Jacy with road rash and multiple broken bones, including her femur, tibia, and fibula. Initially, doctors questioned whether she would ever walk again, with amputation being a serious consideration. But Jacy’s mother believed in her daughter's ability to recover and refused to give up hope. Jacy echoed that determination, pushing herself every day in physical therapy.

“It was questionable at the time whether I was going to walk again,” Jacy recalled. “But my mom was determined, and so was I. The physical therapists at Shriners Children’s were incredible, and without them I wouldn’t be here, doing all the things I’ve been able to achieve.”

One of the most memorable moments in Jacy’s recovery journey was when she took her first steps after the accident. She was just 8 years old, and that moment stands out as a turning point for both her and her family. The unwavering support she received from Shriners Children’s Texas, particularly from her physical therapist, Chris, was invaluable to her progress. Chris worked with Jacy daily, helping her to rebuild her strength and learn to walk again.

“After the accident, the insurance was only going to approve two physical therapy sessions a week, and that wasn’t going to be enough,” Jacy said. “Thankfully, I was admitted to Shriners Children’s, where everything was covered, and I went to therapy every day for hours at a time. It was a blessing and an opportunity.”

Thankfully, I was admitted to Shriners Children’s, where everything was covered, and I went to therapy every day for hours at a time. It was a blessing and an opportunity.
Jacy, Shriners Children's Texas patient alumna

Reflecting on Jacy’s remarkable recovery, Chris said, “The thing that stood out the most to me was her resilience. Her fortitude and determination in the face of her injuries were impressive for someone her age. She was very goal-oriented and driven to progress in her therapy. She’d reach a goal, then immediately set a new one.”

Jacy's journey at Shriners Children’s lasted from age 7 until 18, where she underwent multiple orthopedic surgeries and plastic surgeries, as well as extensive physical therapy. The experience not only restored her ability to walk, but also shaped her future. Inspired by the care she received, Jacy knew that she wanted to pursue a career in healthcare from a very young age.

“Once I got to college, I decided that becoming a PA was the best path for me. It aligned with my goals and allowed me to enter the field more quickly,” she said. During her time at UTMB, she had many memorable moments, including performing CPR on a newborn during her NICU rotation. Successfully resuscitating the baby, Jacy felt that familiar rush of accomplishment and hope, much like she had during her own recovery.

Now recently graduated, Jacy is eager to work in pediatrics, where she hopes to help children the way her care team helped her. “I know what it’s like to be a child in a hospital, not fully understanding what’s happening,” Jacy said. “I want to give back and be there for kids, just like Shriners was there for me.”

Jacy outside with her sister.

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