Byron H. Izuka, MD

  • Orthopaedic Surgery
  • Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgery
Idiomas que hablo:
  • Inglés

Byron Izuka, M.D., brings over 20 years of experience treating a wide variety of pediatric orthopedic conditions, including congenital disorders, sports injuries and traumatic injuries. Through his clinical research, he has particular expertise with the non-operative treatment of elbow, forearm and wrist fractures, and has pioneered groundbreaking treatment techniques that are used to help children around the world.

A local boy, Dr. Izuka is a proud graduate of Aiea High School. He did his undergraduate studies at the University of California – Irvine, attended medical school at the University of Hawaii John A. Burns School of Medicine, and completed his residency training with the University of Hawaii Orthopedic Surgery Program. He also did additional fellowships in orthopedic research at Rancho Los Amigos Medical Center in Downey, California, and in pediatric orthopedic surgery at Nemours Children’s Clinic in Orlando, Florida.

Since 2001, Dr. Izuka has provided orthopedic care at Hawai`i’s top medical facilities, including the Queen’s Medical Center, Pali Momi Medical Center and Kapiolani Medical Center for Women & Children. In addition to an extensive list of local and national presentations, workshops and scientific publications, Dr. Izuka holds professional and/or board memberships in the Pediatric Orthopedic Society of North America, the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgery, the Western Orthopedic Association and the Hawaii Orthopedic Association.

Dr. Izuka loves all manner of sports and physical activities – he is one of Hawai`i’s original mixed martial arts ringside physicians – and he personally enjoys gym workouts, walking his dog and cheering on his daughter at volleyball matches.

Atención pediátrica


Más sobre mí

Certificaciones de la junta
  • American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery, Orthopaedic Surgery, Orthopaedic Surgery - General
Educación y capacitación

Medical Education
University of Hawaii John A Burns School of Medicine
Honolulu, HI
United States of America

University of Hawaii Surgical Residency Program
Honolulu, HI
United States of America

Ranchos Los Amigos Medical Center
Downey, CA
United States of America

University of Hawaii John A Burns School of Medicine
Honolulu, HI
United States of America

Orlando Regional Healthcare System
Orlando, FL
United States of America

Cargos y ubicaciones

University of Hawaii Department of Family Practice
Assistant Clinical Professor

University of Hawaii Department of Pediatrics
Associate Clinical Professor

University of Hawaii Department of Surgery
Associate Clinical Professor

Liderazgo y membresías
  • 2021-Present: Chair, Diabetic Foot Care Workgroup, Hawaii Health Partners
  • 2014-Present: Associate Clinical Professor, University of Hawaii JABSOM
  • 2012-Present: Member, Hawaii Orthopedic Association, Executive Board
  • 2003-Present: Clinical Skills Preceptor, University of Hawaii JABSOM
  • 2001-Present: Volunteer Team Physician, Aiea High School Athletics
  • 2014-2016: Research Director, University of Hawaii Division of Orthopedic Surgery
Trabajos académicos y presentaciones
  • Presentation: The Goldilocks Athlete and the 2 Bears, Queen’s Medical Center Department of Pediatrics (2024)
  • Presentation: Pediatricians Applying Splints for Orthopedic Injuries in the Outpatient Office Setting, Kaiser Permanente Medical Center (2018), and Pali Momi Medical Center (2019)
  • Presentation: Wrist Fractures in Kids and the Adult Primary Care Provider: What is the Connection? Queen’s Medical Center (2015)
  • Presentation: Anterior Cruciate Ligament Rehabilitation, Hawaii Pacific Health Sports Medicine Symposium (2014)
  • Presentation: The 411 on Ortho 911s: Orthopedic Trauma Emergencies, Kapiolani Medical Center (2004)

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