Shriners Children’s Lamenta Pérdidas en Accidente de Ambulancia Aérea en Filadelfia Aprender Más

A Generational Story of Community

Ethan is a 16-year-old Shriners Children’s Philadelphia patient who traveled for his first visit in May 2023 for scoliosis care and treatment.

Scoliosis, a curvature of the spine, can curve the spine to make a C shape or S shape, rather than growing in a straight line. One day Amy, Ethan’s mom, noticed he could not stand up straight and that his hips were not aligned. Upon getting a checkup, he had a 53-degree curve to his thoracic vertebrae and a 20-degree curve to his lumbar vertebrae.

Amy heard about the scoliosis treatment at Shriners Children’s Philadelphia in a social media group, where she connected with another parent of a child treated at our location. Ethan traveled all the way from Alabama to Pennsylvania because the Shriners Children's Philadelphia team offered comprehensive spine care and was able to schedule him for an appointment faster than any hospital near him.

This wasn’t the first time that they heard of Shriners Children’s. Amy's father was a member of Shriners International, specifically Zamora Shriners. In a full-circle moment, two Zamora volunteers from the chapter's Drivers Program transported Ethan and Amy the entire way from Alabama to Philadelphia and back – a 13-hour drive each way.

I am so grateful that I don’t have the financial burden, and for the drivers and what they do.
Amy, Ethan’s mom

Once they arrived for their outpatient appointment with Amer Samdani, M.D., chief of staff, they discussed all the options of care. Due to the severity of Ethan’s spinal curvature, he skipped bracing and underwent spinal fusion surgery. Spinal fusion surgery is used to stop the spinal curve progression as a child continues to grow. Ethan’s surgery was successful. Dr. Samdani and the surgical team straightened his spine, which ultimately helped minimize pain and improve his posture. Dr. Samdani said, “I am very happy with the results we were able to obtain. Ethan is an excellent patient.”

Amy wants to give a special thank-you to Dr. Samdani, who she said was “amazing, very comforting and not rushed.” She also wants to thank Patrick, a nurse who went “above and beyond” to accommodate and care for both her and Ethan. Additionally, she wants to thank Jeanine, a respiratory therapist who was an “amazing bright light” throughout Ethan’s care. She said, “Ethan liked to keep his room dark, and she’d (figuratively and literally) brighten it up when she came in.”

She also explained that care manager/nurse Shannon and physician assistant Emily “kept [her] calm and informed in the months leading up to surgery by answering emails and questions through the patient portal.” Additionally, triage nurse Sloane “helped reassure both of [them] that he was healing well once [they] were discharged, again, via the portal.”

Thanks to Dr. Samdani and the team, Ethan can just focus on being a teenager. He can freely enjoy his hobbies of playing video games, pickleball and tennis, and serving on the production team at his church without fear of pain or discomfort. He feels that having surgery helped improve how his body moves and feels. 

Atención de escoliosis en el Hospital Shriners para Niños de Filadelfia

El Hospital Shriners para Niños de Filadelfia ofrece atención de escoliosis de primer nivel a pacientes de todo el mundo. En este video obtendrá más información sobre la atención especializada que brinda nuestro equipo de columna a los pacientes, que comienza en su primera consulta.
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Amer F. Samdani, MD, jefe de cirugía, neurocirujano:

Respecto a la atención de columna, el factor número uno que nos diferencia de otras instituciones es que brindamos un amplio abanico de atención. Cuando un niño llega con escoliosis, o curvatura de la columna, es atendido por un amplio espectro de diferentes proveedores de atención médica en esa sola visita.

Josh Pahys, MD, cirujano pediátrico de columna vertebral:

En el Hospital Shriners para Niños contamos con cirujanos ortopédicos de columna y neurocirujanos. Todos trabajamos en equipo para atender a los niños y sacamos lo mejor de ambos campos de especialización. Nuestro equipo médico, nuestro equipo de ortesistas, nuestro equipo de fisioterapeutas, todos son de lo mejor de sus campos. Creo que todos nos presentamos en conferencias nacionales o internacionales. La información que publicamos está cambiando la forma en que otros centros en todo el país y en todo el mundo atienden a los pacientes. Es emocionante formar parte de todo eso.

Amer F. Samdani:

Durante los últimos 50 años, las normas asistenciales para pacientes con escoliosis han indicado la fusión espinal, pero ahora los pacientes tienen otra opción. Nuestro hospital fue pionero, y trabajamos con la FDA en 2019 para que nos aprobaran para un tratamiento distinto de la fusión espinal, llamado anclaje del cuerpo vertebral.

Steve Hwang, MD, neurocirujano y cirujano de columna pediátrico:

El anclaje del cuerpo vertebral es una forma innovadora de tratar la escoliosis. Hacemos incisiones pequeñas y colocamos un tornillo en el cuerpo vertebral, que es la parte más grande de la columna vertebral, y colocamos un anclaje que ata una especie de cuerda con un poco de tensión. De esa manera se puede aplicar una fuerza en un lado de la columna para corregir la escoliosis, permitiendo que, con el tiempo, el crecimiento del niño también contribuya a corregir la curvatura

Hay que identificar el momento ideal para realizar esa cirugía, de ser necesaria, para optimizar los resultados en los pacientes.

Josh Pahys:

Todos los que forman parte de esto realmente encarnan la misión de Shriners. Todos vienen a trabajar todos los días y se van con el mismo objetivo en mente: cuidar al paciente y a la familia, y una de las razones por las que todos venimos aquí y nos encanta trabajar aquí es el esfuerzo en equipo, el esfuerzo familiar que ponemos en ello, lo que creo que realmente nos distingue.

Amer F. Samdani:

Lo más importante es que vamos a estar para usted. Eso, combinado con tecnología de vanguardia, un entorno que fomenta la atención centrada en el paciente, donde el pacientes pueda sentirse parte de una familia, eso es lo que nos distingue.

[Placa de texto] Logotipo del Hospital Shriners para Niños de Filadelfia

Meet Ethan

Thanks to Ethan's drivers, he was able to get to Philadelphia for spinal fusion surgery to help correct his scoliosis. See his journey through these photos.

Dr. Samdani tests Ethan's reflexes on his bicep and forearm during his checkup.

Ethan stands with his drivers from Zamora Shriners ahead of their first drive to Shriners Children's Philadelphia.

Ethan smiles with Dr. Samdani after his surgery.

Ethan smiles with his drivers from Zamora Shriners in the lobby of Shriners Children's Philadelphia ahead of their most recent drive back to Alabama.

Ethan and Dr. Samdani look at his X-rays to see how his spine has straightened.

Next Steps

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