Shriners Children's Mexico expands its specialized healthcare services and opens its doors in Culiacan.

The clinic is located separately within the Hospital Angeles in Culiacan. Appointments are required for all services, and we will not be able to accommodate walk-in emergencies.

The goal of this project is to provide specialized medical care from Shriners Children's to children with orthopedic conditions, without the need to travel to Mexico City for treatment.

As part of our mission to serve more children in more places, Shriners Children's Mexico is coming to the City of Culiacan, Sinaloa, to provide orthopedic healthcare services to children up to the age of 18, regardless of their families' ability to pay or insurance status.

Shriners Children's Culiacan Clinic provides care to children with orthopedic conditions including clubfoot, hip dysplasia, rickets, genu valgum/knock kneesbrachial plexus injury, and malformations of hands, fingers and limbs. Orthopedic care for infantile cerebral palsy, along with other related pediatric orthopedic diagnoses, will be addressed.

How to schedule a first-time visit in Culiacan?

Send an email to to schedule a first-time appointment.

About Our Culiacan location

We are located separately within Hospital Angeles, on the first floor.

The address is: Blvd Alfonso G. Calderon 2139, Country Alamos, 80100 Culiacan Rosales, Sinaloa, Mexico

Office hours

Monday – Friday, 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Visits by appointment only. Walk-in emergencies not accepted.