Contact Us

Below you will find a number of useful resources, including a list of frequently used numbers as well as contacts for patient referrals, sharing your feedback, donating, volunteering and more. We welcome your call or email.

If your child is experiencing an emergency situation, please call 911.

Where to Find Us

Shriners Children’s Chicago
2211 N. Oak Park Ave.
Chicago, IL 60707


Request an Appointment

Families and caregivers seeking treatment should start by contacting us by phone, or by completing our Request an Appointment form.

773-385-KIDS (5437)

773-385-5506 (fax)

To make, change or reschedule appointments for existing patients call: 773-385-5410

Spanish Interpreter Telephone Line for Patients by Stratus Audio
  1. Please dial 800-320-6741. An interpreter will pick up the phone and will connect you with a hospital operator.
  2. Ask the operator to connect you with a specific department or staff. The interpreter will stay on the line with you to do the interpretation.
  3. If you are calling to make an appointment, have the patient’s full name and date of birth at hand.

Refer a Patient

There are multiple ways for physicians and clinicians to refer a patient. You may complete our Patient Referral Form, or call our referral department at 773-385-KIDS (5437). You may also use your own form or refer through your electronic medical record. After we receive the referral, our referral coordinator will contact the family within one to two business days. Once the appointment date is established, you will receive an appointment confirmation letter in the mail.

To contact us immediately for a child with a spinal cord injury or other emergent orthopedic needs, call our hospital's main number at 773-622-5400.

Our physician liaisons are here to assist you with questions.

Chicago (south side), South suburbs: Laurie Lindsey: 773-332-4921

Chicago (north side), Cook County, North suburbs: Trish Pajak: 813-309-4048

Northern Indiana: Kathy Mangel: 813-217-3118

Iowa, Western and Central Illinois: Jessica Myers, COTA: 813-539-1642

Frequently Used Numbers

Outpatient clinic scheduling 773-385-5410

Surgery scheduling & Admissions – orthopedics 773-385-5404

Surgery Scheduling & Admissions – plastic surgery 773-385-5464

Financial counselor: The hospital accepts many types of insurance, including Medicaid. If you have additional questions, call 773-385-5450.

Medical Records: You may also submit a request through the patient portal. For additional information call 773-385-5490.

Share Your Compliments, Concerns and Suggestions

We’d like to hear about your visit and welcome your feedback.

Shriners Children’s Chicago
2211 N. Oak Park Ave
Chicago, IL 60707

773-385-5453 (fax)

You can also share any concerns during your child's visit by speaking with the manager of the department or service area. Learn More.

Visit our Ethics and Compliance page for more options on providing feedback.

Additional contacts:


Monetary donations: 773-385-5805
Non-monetary donations (new toys, items): 773-385-5588

Events: Interested in providing an event or performing? Contact recreational therapy/child life at 773-622-5426.

Hospital tours: Hospital tours are more limited in scope following the pandemic. Hospital ushers are available on select weekdays. You may also contact Darlene Kelly at

Media inquiries: Members of the media may contact marketing and communications: 773-399-9156.

Public/Community Relations: 773-836-5422 

Volunteer services: 773-622-5400, ext. 5264

Other Questions?

Visit the Shriners Children's Chicago Home Page 

Visit our YouTube Channel

Shriners Children's Chicago has a number of helpful videos to learn about our care and physicians on our YouTube channel. 
Chicago hospital entrance

We’re always here for our patients, regardless of a family's ability to pay or insurance status.