Armeo Therapy
https://www.shrinerschildrens.org/en/Pediatric-Care/Armeo-TherapyArmeo Therapy at Shriners Children’s provides patients with lost or restricted motor function in their upper extremities an opportunity to use a unique rehabilitation tool that embraces the whole arm, from shoulder to hand, during therapy.
Intraoperative Neuromonitoring
Shriners Children's uses neuromonitoring during spinal surgery. This lets our surgeons monitor the nerves and muscles in the lower part of your child’s body during surgery. This helps the spinal surgeons avoid the risk of damage to your child’s nerves.
Our Pediatric Specialty Care
https://www.shrinerschildrens.org/en/Locations/St-Louis/Our-CareShriners Children's St. Louis provides family-centered care and treatments for a variety of conditions.
Makeup Clinic
At Shriners Children’s our make-up clinic specialists teach your child how to conceal scars and use make-up to soften their appearance. This helps build self-confidence during the healing process.
Pediatric Specialty Care in Spokane
https://www.shrinerschildrens.org/en/Locations/SpokanePediatric specialty care for children throughout Washington and beyond
Outpatient Clinic
Pediatric Specialty Care in Erie
https://www.shrinerschildrens.org/en/Locations/EriePediatric specialty care for children throughout Pennsylvania and beyond
Outpatient Clinic
Pediatric Specialty Care in Salt Lake City
https://www.shrinerschildrens.org/en/Locations/Salt-Lake-CityPediatric specialty care for children throughout Utah and beyond
Nerve Transfers in Pediatric Population
https://www.shrinerschildrens.org/en/News-and-Media/Podcasts/2019/12/Nerve-Transfers-in-Pediatric-PopulationIn a podcast, Felicity Fishman, M.D., explains nerve transfer surgery in children and post-operative care.
Helmet Therapy for Babies
https://www.shrinerschildrens.org/en/News-and-Media/Podcasts/2024/01/Helmet-Therapy-for-BabiesMarisa Foss, MSN, APN, CPNP, and India Jacobson, CPO, discuss head shape concerns in newborn babies, the evaluation of, and treatments available.
Mandibular Hypoplasia
Mandibular hypoplasia, or micrognathia is when the lower jaw (mandible) forms too small and teeth don't align. May affect a child's eating, breathing and speech. Shriners Children's craniofacial and ENT surgeons provide treatment.