https://www.shrinerschildrens.org/en/Pediatric-Care/RicketsRickets is a softening and weakening of bones in children, often caused by a vitamin D deficiency, but rickets can also have genetic causes. Shriners Children's doctors are experienced in diagnosing and treating rickets in its various forms.
Michelle Welborn, M.D., Awarded Diane Ruth Abramson Shriners Children’s Professorship
https://www.shrinerschildrens.org/en/News-and-Media/News/2023/11/Michelle-Welborn-Awarded-ProfessorshipA new Shriners Children’s professorship has been awarded to a Portland spine surgeon.
Provider Spotlight: Advanced SSE Providers at Shriners Children's Spokane
https://www.shrinerschildrens.org/en/News-and-Media/News/2022/11/Scoliosis-Specific-Exercise-for-Pediatric-Spine-PatientsShriners Children's Spokane is home to the two most advanced certified providers in the region.
Sleep and Children Pediatric Neurologist Answers
https://www.shrinerschildrens.org/en/News-and-Media/Podcasts/2024/11/Sleep-and-Children-Pediatric-Neurologist-AnswersThuan Dang, M.D., MPH, pediatric neurologist, discusses children and sleep, and pediatric sleep medical care at Shriners Children's Chicago for current patients.
Muscular Dystrophy
https://www.shrinerschildrens.org/en/Pediatric-Care/Muscular-DystrophyAt Shriners Children's, our unique team of specialists provides the highest quality neuromuscular care for your child with muscular dystrophy.
Cleft Lip
https://www.shrinerschildrens.org/en/Pediatric-Care/Cleft-LipWhen a baby is born with a cleft lip, Shriners Children's team approach provides leading cleft lip surgery and addresses the entire range of concerns for parents related to cleft lip and alveolar cleft.
Skin Infections and Injuries
https://www.shrinerschildrens.org/en/Pediatric-Care/Skin-infections-and-InjuriesShriners Children’s brings hope with advanced treatment after a skin infection or skin injury. Specialists with expertise in pediatric burn care and plastic surgery treat a variety of skin infections and injuries not caused by a burn.
Juvenile Scoliosis
Juvenile scoliosis is a spine curve affecting children between the ages of 3 and 10.
Radiology and Imaging
https://www.shrinerschildrens.org/en/Pediatric-Care/Radiology-and-ImagingShriners Children's radiology and imaging services are a noninvasive way for physicians to see what's going on inside a child's body. Our radiology and imaging professionals work to do this in the safest way possible.
Shriners Children’s offers a multidisciplinary team to address your dental concerns related to a variety of craniofacial conditions. Our specialists will evaluate your child and provide an individualized care plan.