Patient Ambassador James Grills Banana Boats with Weber Grillographer
https://www.shrinerschildrens.org/en/News-and-Media/Videos/2023/07/James-Grills-Banana-BoatsJames and Grillographer Mike (grill photographer) shows us how the whole family can help grill banana boats! Plus, James reminded us of some important grilling guidelines to prevent a burn injury.
Abby's Shriners Children's Journey
https://www.shrinerschildrens.org/en/News-and-Media/Videos/2023/07/Abbys-Shriners-Childrens-JourneyAbby was referred to Shriners Children’s by a pediatrician in her hometown, who couldn’t figure out why she kept breaking her feet. They knew she needed specialized orthopedic care.
Convenient Access to Health Care at Shriners Hospitals for Children — Honolulu
https://www.shrinerschildrens.org/en/News-and-Media/Videos/2021/01/Convenient-Access-to-Health-Care-at-Shriners-Hospitals-for-Children-HonoluluBeing able to meet with a child's care team through telehealth appointments makes access to health care convenient for parents like Leah. It's also less stressful and safer for immunocompromised kids, like her son, Elijah.
Meniscus Injury
Meniscus injuries usually occur from sudden movement that causes a tear in the cartilage of the knee joint. Shriners Children’s specializes in both surgical and non-surgical interventions based on the location, size and pattern of the tear.
Cleft Palate
https://www.shrinerschildrens.org/en/Pediatric-Care/Cleft-PalateA cleft palate occurs when tissues that form the roof of the mouth don’t join together before birth. Shriners Children’s team care repairs and restores each child physically and psychologically.
https://www.shrinerschildrens.org/en/Pediatric-Care/BracingShriners Children's multidisciplinary team includes orthotists who create braces to meet the individual need of each child – whether to treat a complex condition or common injury.
Respiratory Treatments
Respiratory treatments are often necessary following surgery to strengthen the lungs and prevent infection. Respiratory therapists will provide exercises and treatments patients can do in the hospital and at home.
Colonic Irrigation
This alleviates immobile stool in the colon, preventing bacterial overgrowth and colitis. Our team teaches parents to perform colonic irrigation effectively at home.
Colon Resection/Sigmoid Resection/Bowel Resection
Colon resections, also referred to as sigmoid resections or bowel resections, are performed by our pediatric surgeons. The procedure involves removing part of the bowel to treat and prevent diseases and conditions that affect the colon.
Outpatient Clinic
Shriners Children's Culiacan Clinic
https://www.shrinerschildrens.org/en/Locations/Mexico/Clinics/CuliacanThe Shriners Children's Culiacán clinic provides specialized orthopedic pediatric care for patients in the northwest of Mexico.