Research at Shriners Children's Hawai`i
https://www.shrinerschildrens.org/en/Locations/Hawaii/About-Us/ResearchLearn about our innovative, collaborative approach to research at Shriners Children's Hawai`i.
Julie Gives Back: Girl Scout Gold Award
https://www.shrinerschildrens.org/en/News-and-Media/Videos/2022/03/Julie-Gives-BackJulie has thrived through three leg lengthening treatments. Now, her legs are even and her heart is grateful. She's using a Girl Scout project to give back to Shriners Children's St. Louis.
What is Your Story – Parent Perspective
https://www.shrinerschildrens.org/en/News-and-Media/Videos/2019/05/What-is-Your-Story-Parent-PerspectiveHear from several patient's parents about why they choose Shriners Children's Twin Cities to care for their children!
Patient Story
Meet Our New International Patient Ambassador, Juan Diego
https://www.shrinerschildrens.org/en/News-and-Media/Patient-Stories/2023/07/International-Patient-Ambassador--Juan-DiegoJuan Diego, 18, was burned in an electrical accident when he was 13, leaving his hands seriously disfigured.
Patient Story
Brady is Driven to Succeed Thanks to Shriners Children's
https://www.shrinerschildrens.org/en/News-and-Media/Patient-Stories/2023/10/Brady-Race-DriverShriners Children’s Chicago patient Brady is fulfilling his dreams of becoming a race driver, thanks to his care at Shriners Children’s Chicago.
Patient Story
For Keoni, Born with Bilateral Clubfoot, Shriners Children’s Has Always Been There
https://www.shrinerschildrens.org/en/News-and-Media/Patient-Stories/2023/08/Keoni-StoryKeoni was born with bilateral clubfoot, a condition for which he has received lifelong, ongoing treatment at Shriners Children’s Northern California.
Patient Story
Nothing Slows Down Brody
https://www.shrinerschildrens.org/en/News-and-Media/Patient-Stories/2022/06/Nothing-Slows-BrodyBrody is a middle school basketball player from Omaha, Nebraska, who credits Shriners Children's St. Louis for saving his left leg.
Patient Story
Specialty Craniofacial Care at Shriners Children's Boston
https://www.shrinerschildrens.org/en/News-and-Media/Patient-Stories/2024/05/Specialty-Craniofacial-CareAvani benefits from the wraparound craniofacial care provided at Shriners Children's Boston.
Patient Story
Big Dreams for Adopted Teens Miles and Jonah
https://www.shrinerschildrens.org/en/News-and-Media/Patient-Stories/2024/11/Adopted-Teens-Miles-and-JonahWhen Jackie and David adopted two boys with overwhelming disabilities from Ukraine, they knew they could offer a loving home, but they weren’t sure what the future would hold for Miles and Jonah.
Patient Story
"Personalized and Empathetic" Craniofacial Care at Shriners Children's Boston
https://www.shrinerschildrens.org/en/News-and-Media/Patient-Stories/2024/04/Amelias-StoryShriners Children's Boston was "the right fit" for Amelia's family when they sought craniofacial care.