Armeo Therapy
https://www.shrinerschildrens.org/en/Pediatric-Care/Armeo-TherapyArmeo Therapy at Shriners Children’s provides patients with lost or restricted motor function in their upper extremities an opportunity to use a unique rehabilitation tool that embraces the whole arm, from shoulder to hand, during therapy.
Patient Story
Bridget's Story: The Prima Ballerina
https://www.shrinerschildrens.org/en/News-and-Media/Patient-Stories/2021/02/Bridgets-story-The-prima-ballerinaIn September 2020, Bridget, a 12-year-old dancer from Westfield, Massachusetts, landed on her left knee while performing a front aerial, an acrobatic move she had perfected many times before.
Orthopedic Surgery
https://www.shrinerschildrens.org/en/Pediatric-Care/Orthopedic-SurgeryWith their expertise in treating children from toddlers to teens, the pediatric orthopedic surgeons at Shriners Children’s understand the challenges of planning ahead for growing bones and bodies.
Upper Airway Imaging
The upper airway includes the nose, nasal cavity, mouth, throat (pharynx) and voice box (larynx). Upper airway imaging looks for narrowing in these areas, which can be common for children with craniofacial and neuromuscular conditions.
Makeup Clinic
At Shriners Children’s our make-up clinic specialists teach your child how to conceal scars and use make-up to soften their appearance. This helps build self-confidence during the healing process.
Infantile Scoliosis Mehta Cotrel Casting
https://www.shrinerschildrens.org/en/News-and-Media/Podcasts/2023/Infantile-Scoliosis-Mehta-Cotrel-CastingPodcast with Purnendu Gupta, M.D., on our extensive spine care and serial casting for infantile scoliosis.
Radiology and Imaging
https://www.shrinerschildrens.org/en/Pediatric-Care/Radiology-and-ImagingShriners Children's radiology and imaging services are a noninvasive way for physicians to see what's going on inside a child's body. Our radiology and imaging professionals work to do this in the safest way possible.
Hip Conditions and Disorders
https://www.shrinerschildrens.org/en/News-and-Media/Podcasts/2020/09/Hip-Conditions-and-DisordersPodcast with Dominique Laron, M.D. who discusses the hip specialty program at Shriners Children's Portland.
Understanding Scoliosis in Children
https://www.shrinerschildrens.org/en/News-and-Media/Podcasts/2021/07/Understanding-Scoliosis-in-ChildrenDr. Purnendu Gupta explains scoliosis in children and variety of treatments available.
Physical Occupational and Speech Therapy
https://www.shrinerschildrens.org/en/News-and-Media/Podcasts/2021/05/Physical-Occupational-and-Speech-TherapyPodcast about physical, occupational and speech therapy.