Burn Surgery
https://www.shrinerschildrens.org/en/Pediatric-Care/Burn-SurgeryAt Shriners Children’s, our world-class surgical team provides specialized care and life-changing treatment to children with burn injuries.
https://www.shrinerschildrens.org/en/Pediatric-Care/BracingShriners Children's multidisciplinary team includes orthotists who create braces to meet the individual need of each child – whether to treat a complex condition or common injury.
Sports Injury Surgery
https://www.shrinerschildrens.org/en/Pediatric-Care/Sports-Injury-SurgerySports injuries are common among young athletes, and these injuries sometimes require surgery. Shriners Children's can evaluate injuries and determine if surgery is the best option for treatment.
School Nurse Resources
https://www.shrinerschildrens.org/en/Providers-and-Research/For-Health-Professionals/School-Nurse-ResourcesOur partnership with the National Association of School Nurses (NASN) is a natural extension of our mission and 100-year history of providing compassionate, innovative care.
Trampoline and Bounce House Safety
https://www.shrinerschildrens.org/en/Patient-Information/Patient-Services-and-Resources/Summer-Safety/Trampoline-and-Bounce-House-SafetyTrampolines and bounce houses, while enticing sources of fun and physical activity, present a significant risk of injury, particularly for children.
Our Administration
https://www.shrinerschildrens.org/en/Locations/Texas/About-Us/Our-AdministrationShriners Children's Texas is a leader in pediatric specialty care. Meet the administration.
Speech Therapy
https://www.shrinerschildrens.org/en/Pediatric-Care/Speech-TherapyThe speech therapy services available to patients at Shriners Children’s benefit children from birth through adolescence who have difficulties with communication and swallowing.
Armeo Therapy
https://www.shrinerschildrens.org/en/Pediatric-Care/Armeo-TherapyArmeo Therapy at Shriners Children’s provides patients with lost or restricted motor function in their upper extremities an opportunity to use a unique rehabilitation tool that embraces the whole arm, from shoulder to hand, during therapy.
Intraoperative Neuromonitoring
Shriners Children's uses neuromonitoring during spinal surgery. This lets our surgeons monitor the nerves and muscles in the lower part of your child’s body during surgery. This helps the spinal surgeons avoid the risk of damage to your child’s nerves.
Patient Story
Bridget's Story: The Prima Ballerina
https://www.shrinerschildrens.org/en/News-and-Media/Patient-Stories/2021/02/Bridgets-story-The-prima-ballerinaIn September 2020, Bridget, a 12-year-old dancer from Westfield, Massachusetts, landed on her left knee while performing a front aerial, an acrobatic move she had perfected many times before.