Young Adult Transition in Care Program

The Young Adult Transition in Care Program is a resource for Shriners Children's patients, families and multidisciplinary team members across the Shriners Children's healthcare system. This program is designed to assist children 12 and older, and their families, in preparing for transition to an adult healthcare provider. This is also a pivotal time for a teen to become more independent in their care decisions.

If you have a child 12 or older you may work with your local care manager and/or social worker. If you have additional questions or needs, please contact Corporate Director Care Management Deborah Cook-Altonji at

Our Mission

To promote independence, confidence and collaboration through the transition process, ensuring long-term success, increased quality of care and life, and optimal functioning.

We generally begin age appropriate planning when a child reaches the age of 12, sharing resources such as those listed below, to support youth, young adults and parents/guardians. During this transition period, teens must learn to listen, ask questions and weigh choices to be able to make the right decisions for their future. We will discuss the teen’s diagnosis and health concerns, assess transition readiness, set goals, and support them in becoming independent in managing their own healthcare.

Healthcare Transition Timeline

The following timeline provides a guide and resources to help the child and family navigate the transition in care to an adult healthcare provider. 

Moving to Adult Care

Moving to adult care is a pivotal time for a young adult. Test how ready you are by taking this quiz.

A Multifaceted Approach to the Transition Process 

Online Resources

Additional Resources

We Understand the Unique Medical Needs of Children

We provide vital, pioneering treatment from birth to age 18. Here, children have the opportunity to be evaluated and treated by doctors recognized as the best by their peers.