The Young Adult Transition in Care Program is a resource for Shriners Children's patients, families and multidisciplinary team members across the Shriners Children's healthcare system. This program is designed to assist children 12 and older, and their families, in preparing for transition to an adult healthcare provider. This is also a pivotal time for a teen to become more independent in their care decisions.
If you have a child 12 or older you may work with your local care manager and/or social worker. If you have additional questions or needs, please contact Corporate Director Care Management Deborah Cook-Altonji at
Our Mission
To promote independence, confidence and collaboration through the transition process, ensuring long-term success, increased quality of care and life, and optimal functioning.
We generally begin age appropriate planning when a child reaches the age of 12, sharing resources such as those listed below, to support youth, young adults and parents/guardians. During this transition period, teens must learn to listen, ask questions and weigh choices to be able to make the right decisions for their future. We will discuss the teen’s diagnosis and health concerns, assess transition readiness, set goals, and support them in becoming independent in managing their own healthcare.
Healthcare Transition Timeline
The following timeline provides a guide and resources to help the child and family navigate the transition in care to an adult healthcare provider.
Ages 12-13
- Learn about your health condition, medications and allergies.
- Ask your doctor questions about your health.
- Ask your doctor if and at what age they no longer care for young adults.
Ages 14-15
- Get all the details you can about your health and healthcare needs, and your family medical history.
- Both you and your parent/caregiver can take Got Transition’s Transition Readiness Assessments. When complete, discuss together, and with your doctor.
- Carry your own health insurance card.
- Learn more about your health and what to do in case of an emergency.
- Practice making a doctor’s appointment and ordering prescription refills (either by phone, online or through an app).
- Begin to see the doctor alone for part of the doctor’s visit to help gain independence in managing your health and healthcare.
Additional Resources
Ages 16-17
- Make doctor’s appointments, see the doctor alone, ask the doctor any questions you have, and refill medications.
- Ask the doctor to talk with you about your privacy rights when you turn 18.
- Work with your doctor to make a medical summary. Keep a copy for yourself.
- Before you turn 18 and become a legal adult, determine if you will need help making healthcare decisions. If so, ask your Family Voices chapter for local resources.
- Talk with your parent/caregiver about the age you want to transfer to a new doctor for adult care.
Addtional Resources
Ages 18-21
- You are a legal adult at age 18 and are legally responsible for your care. Parents/caregivers cannot access your medical information or be in the doctor’s visit unless you agree.
- Work with your current doctor to find a new adult doctor, if needed. Make sure that the new doctor accepts your health insurance.
- Update your medical summary with your doctor. Have your doctor send this to your new adult doctor. Keep a copy for yourself.
- Call your new adult doctor to schedule the first appointment. Make sure the new office has your medical information, and learn if there are any charges for the visit.
- Learn if there are additional changes at 18 that affect you (e.g., health insurance, Social Security Income).
Additonal Resources
Ages 22-25
- Continue to get care from your adult doctor, learn to manage your health and healthcare, and update your medical summary.
- Be sure to stay insured. If you change your health insurance, make sure your doctor takes your insurance, and learn if there are any charges for the visit.
Moving to Adult Care
Moving to adult care is a pivotal time for a young adult. Test how ready you are by taking this quiz.
A Multifaceted Approach to the Transition Process
Life Skills
- Financial Literacy It is important to learn about insurance terms, and financial terms.
- Transportation – Know what is available in your community:
- Public access such as a bus, train or taxi
- Vehicle modifications: You can search the internet for local DMV requirements and work with local dealerships on options. Or, see the Financing Vehicle Modification section on
- Support System – Make sure you have a good support system that includes family, physicians, friends, support or local peer groups and/or Shriners Children's alumni.
- Independent Living – What type of living situation is best for you? Options can include supported living, group home, community care, etc.
- Community – Get involved in community programs such as sports, church, mentorship programs, alumni networks, etc.
College/Career/Vocational Training
- Be sure to review the Americans With Disabilites Act (ADA)-supported programs at schools or work sites you are applying to. Here are a few resources to assist:
- Refer to your college Services for Students with Disabilites office for resources to support accessibility, learning, transportation and mobility.
Note: Also, see additonal resouces at bottom of page.
Medical Healthcare Transition
- Visit the Got Transition website for addtional information on medical health care transition.
- Find a healthcare provider in your insurance network by calling the number on the back of your insurance card, working with the case manager or social worker in your current doctor’s office, and/or going onto the insurance website and searching for a participating provider.
- Request a copy of your medical record.
- Set up medical ID on your phone.
- Know your pharmacy and current medications list.
- Medical Services available:
Online Resources
Additional Resources