James | Spirit Halloween Patient Shopping Spree

James | Spirit Halloween Patient Shopping Spree
[text overlay] James, 7, has a brittle bone condition. Like all kids, he loves Halloween (and Shriners Children's). Spirit Halloween coupons and stores support child life services for James and other patients. This year, they added a shopping spree with his child life specialist.
James: The costumes are that way.
Speaker 2: Okay, let's see. Let's see what [inaudible 00:00:23]
James: I want to make my own costume, because I want to look creepy and cool.
Melissa, Spirit Halloween Store Manager: It takes a long time to go through everything. We have such much stuff, and it's fun, it's adventure. It's just a fun adventure going through, so he did really well. He actually went through it pretty quickly.
James: Oh, look at that.
Speaker 2: Whoa.
James: Mama.
Speaker 2: [inaudible 00:00:41]
Speaker 4: Oh, you look so cool.
James: I'm just going to put one mask in here so I can be all cool.
Speaker 2: Oh, oh.
James: Done.
Speaker 4: We're done.
Melissa: Okay. That makes sense.
James: C'mon. C'mon, let's go.
Speaker 4: Bye.
Speaker 2: Yeah, we're done.
James: Thank you, Spirit Halloween.
[text overlay] James is ready for Halloween. Shop and support at Spirit Halloween and spirithalloween.com