Meet Sarah Durgin, PA-C

Meet Sarah Durgin, PA-C
[Title card: Shriners Children's logo, Sarah A. Durgin, MHS, PA-C, Physician Assistant]
Sarah Durgin:
Hi, I'm Sarah Durgin and I'm a physician assistant. One of the advantages of having a great team of advanced practice providers here is that we really all work together as a team, whether it's working amongst just the four of us that are here, but also with our attendings. They trust us to make appropriate decisions. We know that we can trust them to go to them for anything, if there's anything at all that we're concerned about. But I think it really makes it better for the patient because we can streamline their care, where they're not waiting long periods of time for the things that they need to have done. The care here at Shriners is unique because it's really centered around the patients and their family. They come here and kids don't want to leave. They like to play. And I think we really do a good job of making it a comfortable environment for the patient and their family so that they know that their kid's getting the best treatment they can get.
I've taken a special interest in treating club feet because every week you get to see what progress you're making. And so every week feels like a little success, like, "Oh yes, I did this, I did that," and you're helping this child to have feet that are able to heal to be comfortable and walk on them and run and play. For me, I want to always try and do whatever it is I can do for my patient and advocate for them, and I feel like I'm able to do that here as a provider, as a parent, as a mom, but I know how I feel about my kids when I'm trying to take care of them. And so I try and keep that in perspective when I'm taking care of my patients.
These kids become my kids. You see these families, whether it's a short period of time or a long period of time, and you establish this relationship between the patient and the parents. There's patients that I don't greet with a handshake anymore. You greet them with a hug or a high-five, or you give mom a hug and you know everything that's been going on. These kids become your family, so to speak. And I think I just really love how that's something that is embraced here.