Meet Jackson

Meet Jackson
[Shriners Children's Northern California logo]
I've been running for about two years now. Getting out and seeing people, nature, hanging out with the team and coaches, or when I'm running by myself, it is really exciting.
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We found Shriners when Jackson was diagnosed with congenital scoliosis at one years old. He had surgery at five, and then again at 13.
Yeah, 13.
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Yeah, 13. Coming to Shriners is very welcoming, very warm. Again, they get to know their patients.
I love Shriners because of how everyone treats each other.
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Dr. Arbuto is amazing. Again, he's been our doctor since Jackson was one. He's very to the point, he's very honest with us, he answers all of my questions, lets me look at all the X-rays. He's really amazing.
When he said he wanted to run, I was very shocked. He's impressed me every day since he started, just watching him grow and watching him run further and longer and watching him really succeed. He's really come out of his shell, and I know with having back surgery, he's had a lot kind of riding against him, and he did not let it stop him at all. He's a kid that loves to run with his shirt off, so he shows his scars.
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He's very, I think, proud of them. He's very confident with who he is, and again, he's really improved in two years. I'm very impressed with him. I'd like to say thank you, Shriners. You've made a huge difference in our lives.
Thank you, Shriners.
[Shriners Children's Northern California logo]