HipScreen Introduction by Vedant Kulkarni, M.D

HipScreen Introduction by Vedant Kulkarni, M.D.
Vedant Kulkarni:
Welcome to hipscreen.org. Hip surveillance can identify hip displacement in children with cerebral palsy earlier, allowing for more effective and successful treatment. Unfortunately, substantial barriers to implementation of hip surveillance exist, including lack of education and challenges in the acquisition and interpretation of pelvis radiographs.
To overcome these barriers and to empower providers and caregivers, we created a free mobile app called HipScreen in 2016. HipScreen has easily navigable menus for understanding surveillance guidelines, protocols for proper positioning of radiographs, and a validated tool for measurement of x-rays directly from the device's screen. HipScreen was awarded the American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine's 2016 Fred P. Sage Award and is distributed as a public service by Shriners Children's at no cost, without tracking or data sharing, and free of advertisements or commercial content.
We hope that you use HipScreen and the training on this website to implement a hip surveillance program for children with cerebral palsy in your community. Thank you.