R. Kirklin Ashley Lectureship Series 2023

R. Kirklin Ashley Lectureship Series 2023
Amanda Whitaker, M.D., orthopedic surgeon, Shriners Children's:
The Ashley Lectureship was founded to honor Dr. Ashley in those three pillars of clinical expertise, research, and education. By bringing in Dr. Iobst, who's a clinical expert in his field of limb lengthening and limb deformity, we get to learn from his clinical expertise.
[bottom third text: Ashley Lectureship 2023]
Christopher Iobst, M.D., Director, Center for Limb Lengthening, Nationwide Children's Hospital:
It's an honor to be chosen to come speak here. And for me, personally, as much as I am teaching them, I'm also learning from them as well and bringing it back to help my patients.
Amanda Whitaker:
In these clinical discussions where we're teaching and we're educating, we always come up with new questions and new ideas, things that we don't know the answer to, and talk about how to do things better. Because right, that's ultimately why we're here, is to take better care of our patients. So bringing those three things together really was the pinnacle of today, the Ashley Lectureship.
Christopher Iobst:
Well, anytime you can be in an environment with so many smart, enthusiastic people advancing the care for children with orthopedics, it's not only stimulating and invigorating for me, but it helps us come up with new ideas for research that we can use in the future to help these kids.
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