Completing a Pre-Appointment Questionnaire

Completing a Pre-Appointment Questionnaire
Speaker 1:
Hello, and welcome. During today's session, we'll review the clipboard, which is a questionnaire that's associated with specific appointments and provides the clinical staff with information in advance of the appointment related to the patient. If a clipboard has been associated to the appointment, it will display at the top of the portal page as soon as that appointment has been assigned. To access the clipboard, simply click on the link and from here you'll be able to view both available clipboards and those that have been completed. If you have more than one clipboard associated for appointments, then multiple will display in this list. You'll be able to tell which appointment this is related to. So in this case, the appointment is for September 2nd, 2020. You'll be able to see where that appointment is, what time, what patient it's for and what facility it's located in.
Speaker 1:
Clipboards are sent out as soon as the appointment is scheduled, and there will be reminders that are sent 30 days prior to that appointment and seven days prior to that appointment. It's important that this information is completed prior to that appointment. Once that appointment time has arrived, the clipboard will disappear. The messaging inbox is where those reminders would be located. You can actually access the clipboard from this link or from the home page and the clipboard link gets associated. The recommendation is to access it from the homepage as more information is available.
Speaker 1:
Once you're viewing the clipboard, click on continue and answer the questions that have been associated. For this particular clipboard, they're asking about medications that the patient is taking. This information is coming from the patient's medical record, and it lists the meds that the patient is on. Take a moment to tell us if this is being taken as prescribed, if it's not being taken or it's not being taken as it's prescribed. If the answer applies to all, you can click the check box or you can answer them individually. If the information about the medication or the dose is incorrect, that can be edited by clicking the edit button and typing in the appropriate information regarding the dose, the frequency, the comments, or the prescribing physician. Once the information has been completed, select save and then select next for the next group of questions.
Speaker 1:
In this case, we're asking the patient to review the allergies that we have on file and let us know if these are still accurate, or if they need to be edited. If they're accurate, no action is required. If there needs to be a change in the allergy or the reaction, they can request to have that removed. Once that information is sent to Shriners, it will be updated in the patient's record.
Speaker 1:
Once the information has been completed, submit the answers, or if you need to, you can go in and review the medications or the allergies to make additional updates. Again, once all the information has been completed, hit submit the answers and you'll get a notification that your form has been submitted and their provider will be able to review that information prior to your arrival. Once that clipboard has been completed, it will no longer display at the top of the homepage.
Speaker 1:
That concludes our information on the clipboard. Thank you very much and have a great day.