Patient Transportation

Patient Transportation
Ed Geoffrion:
Hello I'm Ed Geoffrion chairman of the Springfield Shriners Hospital board of governors i want to thank you for volunteering your time to support the shriners hospital for children in mission by making it possible for our patients to continue to receive the life-changing care they need despite the coven-19 pandemic maintaining the health and safety of our staff patients family and you is our top priority this video is intended to provide you with some education on the process and standards that the hospital has put in place and must be adhered to in order to keep everyone safe a quick overview about covert 19. kelvin 19 is a virus that is spread through contact with the respiratory droplets of an infected person often released when coughing sneezing or talking it may also be transmitted if you touch a surface or object that has a virus on it and then touch your mouth nose or eyes everyone is at risk of getting coca-19 the best way to protect yourself is to avoid being exposed you can do that by avoiding close contact whenever possible maintain at least six feet of distance between you and others wearing a mask that covers your nose and mouth when in public settings wash your hands often and disinfect frequently touched surfaces in accordance with the massachusetts department of public health springfield shriners hospital has adopted workplace safety standards that all members of the care team including transport drivers are required to comply with to reduce the spread of coven 19. the first standard is universal screening before scheduled patient transportation shriners hospital would screen the patient and the adult accompanying them for covert 19 symptoms drivers must self-screen by taking their temperature and answering the designated screen questions provided in your shrine center's patient transportation kit of course if you're not feeling well please do not transport patients the best place for you is home resting and not interacting with others the second safety standard is universal masking all drivers patients and other passengers are required to wear a mask at all times during the transportation process unless under the age of two or a medical condition prevents them from wearing a mask safely the third safety standard is frequent hand washing all drivers patients and passengers are expected to wash their hands frequently during the transportation process this is especially important after touching shared surfaces blowing your nose coughing or sneezing always avoid touching your eyes nose and mouth with unwashed hands soap and water or hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 alcohol like that found in the patient transportation kit does the trick the fourth safety standard is social distancing whenever possible stay at least six feet or about two arms length apart from people when in indoor and outdoor public spaces the last safety standard is frequent cleaning drivers are expected to clean and disinfect all high touch surfaces in the transport vehicle before and after every patient transport with special attention paid to things like door handles seat belt buckles dashboard dials and switches steering wheel and seats you'll find all supplies you need in your patient transportation kit and finally we strongly recommend all drivers receive an annual flu shot to help safeguard themselves and others from illness please refer to the springfield shriners hospital patient transportation protocol document for additional information and feel free to reach out to the great patient transportation team here in springfield with any questions committing to perform these extra steps will help ensure we all stay safe thank you