Burn Care at Shriners Children's
May 11, 2021

Burn Care at Shriners Children's
At Shriners Hospitals for Children, we regularly treat all types of burns and skin conditions. No two patients are the same, and we understand that an effective treatment plan is one tailored to fit the child's individual needs.
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Fran Farley, MD:
Shriners Children's expertise in pediatric burn care extends to all levels of burn and burn reconstruction. We are internationally renowned and respected in this area. Our specialty care also extends to wound care, scar management and a variety of serious skin conditions. We have a strong history of providing medical care for children across the globe, and responding quickly to tragedies involving children whenever and wherever they occur.
Katie Maggi, RN:
Our burn patients are typically very healthy and they have an event, an injury that can sometimes change their course for a while. But if we do our job really well, then they go back to being a healthy kid.
David Greenhalgh, MD:
We like to focus on cosmetic functional outcomes and really take the extra effort to make sure not only do the kids survive, they look as good as possible, they function as good as possible. It's amazing, you learn how tough these kids are to go through this huge stress and come out and survive.
Fran Farley, MD:
In addition to the Shriners Children's location that treat children with burn injuries, we have medical go teams ready to assist when disasters and emergencies occur. Our world-renowned burn teams rely on the most up-to-date scientific and clinical research to deliver unparalleled treatment and therapies.
Branko Bojovic, MD:
In general, we take care of most of the umbrella of things under plastic surgery that would be considered reconstructive, second degree burn injuries in particular. We become very good at putting together the full use of all the capabilities that we have here in the hospital, but also including new technologies and old technologies that we've used to sort of marry them together to really get kids the best results that we can in the shortest amount and least number of operations possible.
Fran Farley, MD:
Burn and skin related support services at Shriners Children's are innovative, research-backed, and delivered with compassion and in a way that also fosters emotional wellbeing and psychological healing.
Fran Farley, MD:
You are not alone when looking for the best treatment options for burn care or skin conditions. I encourage you to explore the care options Shriners Children's offers. Learn about our innovative approach to medicine and our internationally recognized doctors. I truly believe there isn't a healthcare system out there like ours.
Shriners Children's expertise in pediatric burn care extends to all levels of burn and burn reconstruction. We are internationally renowned and respected in this area. Our specialty care also extends to wound care, scar management and a variety of serious skin conditions. We have a strong history of providing medical care for children across the globe, and responding quickly to tragedies involving children whenever and wherever they occur.
Katie Maggi, RN:
Our burn patients are typically very healthy and they have an event, an injury that can sometimes change their course for a while. But if we do our job really well, then they go back to being a healthy kid.
David Greenhalgh, MD:
We like to focus on cosmetic functional outcomes and really take the extra effort to make sure not only do the kids survive, they look as good as possible, they function as good as possible. It's amazing, you learn how tough these kids are to go through this huge stress and come out and survive.
Fran Farley, MD:
In addition to the Shriners Children's location that treat children with burn injuries, we have medical go teams ready to assist when disasters and emergencies occur. Our world-renowned burn teams rely on the most up-to-date scientific and clinical research to deliver unparalleled treatment and therapies.
Branko Bojovic, MD:
In general, we take care of most of the umbrella of things under plastic surgery that would be considered reconstructive, second degree burn injuries in particular. We become very good at putting together the full use of all the capabilities that we have here in the hospital, but also including new technologies and old technologies that we've used to sort of marry them together to really get kids the best results that we can in the shortest amount and least number of operations possible.
Fran Farley, MD:
Burn and skin related support services at Shriners Children's are innovative, research-backed, and delivered with compassion and in a way that also fosters emotional wellbeing and psychological healing.
Fran Farley, MD:
You are not alone when looking for the best treatment options for burn care or skin conditions. I encourage you to explore the care options Shriners Children's offers. Learn about our innovative approach to medicine and our internationally recognized doctors. I truly believe there isn't a healthcare system out there like ours.