External Fixator Exercises: Knee Flexion Stretch (Sitting)

Speaker 1:
The knee flexion stretch is performed in order to maintain the ability to fully bend the knee. It can be performed in various positions, including sitting, and in prone or lying on the stomach. Your child's PT will provide individualized instructions and will recommend one or both techniques. To perform the stretch and sitting, have your child sit on the edge of a bed or in a chair with a small towel roll under the thigh. Seat yourself on the floor or in a chair next to your child's surgical leg and support the leg in a comfortable position. To stretch, slowly bend the knee by lower the external fixator while your child remains seated. It may be necessary to stabilize your child's thigh with one hand while lowering the external fixator with the other hand. Once the knee is bent as far as tolerated, the position is typically held between 10 and 20 seconds. Repeat five to 10 times. Your child's PT will provide individualized instructions and will work with you and your child to minimize discomfort during stretches.