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Mahir's ACL Injury

After tearing his ACL during a football game, Mahir turned to Shriners Children’s Philadelphia for care.

Mahir is an athlete at heart, and he has been playing football since he was 5.

As a junior in high school and the quarterback of his high school football team, Mahir has important decisions to make on the field. What he did not expect was the decision he was going to have to make off the field after tearing his anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) during a regular season game.

After the injury and an initial examination from his pediatrician, X-rays, and an MRI, Mahir was referred to Shriners Children’s Philadelphia, where he visited with Sean Waldron, M.D., pediatric orthopedic surgeon, for further evaluation and treatment.

When choosing a care plan for your child, there are many factors to remember, such as recovery time and the need for physical therapy. He and his family wanted to make sure that Mahir was choosing the best option for his recovery, which is why he decided to receive the BEAR (Bridge Enhanced ACL Repair) Implant Surgery.

The BEAR Implant acts as a bridge to help the ends of the torn ACL heal together. This innovative device is the first medical advancement approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to enable the body to heal its own torn ACL. Shriners Children’s Philadelphia is one of the few pediatric orthopedic hospitals to offer this new technology.

As part of our wrap-around care model, our onsite physical therapists work closely with our doctors and then with their patients and families to create rehabilitation plans customized for each patient and their goals.

It is essential for us as therapists to not only guide them through rehab, but also continuously remind them to be patient with themselves and their bodies as they heal.
Physical therapist Sarah Kolp, PT, D.P.T., OCS.

“When I got injured, I panicked at first. I did not think I tore my ACL, after two months of physical therapy, I’m making great progress,” said Mahir.

Mahir’s end goal is to get back on the football field for his senior year. But for now, he is supporting his team by attending practice every day, and has a strong support system from his coaches, teammates, and family behind him.

If your athlete has an ACL injury, call 215-430-4000 to schedule a consultation to determine if they might be a good candidate for the BEAR Implant.

Mahir Works Towards Returning to the Football Field

Take a peek into Mahir's physical therapy session with his physical therapist, Sarah.

mahir working out during physical therapy

Mahir is working on rebuilding his strength through various strength training exercises.

Mahir during therapy

Mahir is working on stabilizing his leg using a sports balance trainer.

Mahir and Sarah during physical therapy session

Sarah, physical therapist, works with Mahir on some agility ladder exercises to help improve his speed.

mahir working out during physical therapy

Mahir is working on another strength training exercise during his session.

Next Steps

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