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Virtual Thall Symposium: Pediatric Burn Care for First Responders

About the event

On Tuesday, October 13, Shriners Hospitals for Children — Boston will host the Abraham Thall & Sadye Stone Thall Educational Symposium. This year’s lecture is being held virtually. The symposium will run from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and is free of charge.

The Thalls’ daughter, Mrs. Diane Rothstein, created the symposium as a living legacy to her parents’ passion for furthering education. This year’s topic is Pediatric Burn Care for First Responders. Robert L. Sheridan, M.D., interim chief of staff and chief of burns surgery, will present on the history of burn care and disaster management. Rich Grady, RN, will give an overview of pediatric burn care for first responders. We also welcome a special guest: former patient Carrie Holmstrom Kraft, who received burn care for many years at the Boston Shriners Hospital.

Register for the event here. This event is approved for two Massachusetts OEMS continuing education credits – all levels. Please direct any questions to

Thall Symposium poster

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