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COVID-19: What to Expect

Providing High-Quality Care

The staff at Shriners Hospitals for Children — Canada is committed to providing high-quality care to our patients and families, along with protecting the dedicated personnel who help deliver our mission. As a result, we have been closely monitoring the latest medical information about COVID-19. We have also been monitoring the stance taken on this issue by public health agencies, our affiliates and various constituent organizations.

Your health and safety is our utmost priority. As you may know, the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic is forcing all organizations to put in place mechanisms to limit the spread of the virus as much as possible. Shriners Hospitals for Children — Canada is no exception. 

Following directives from the Provincial government, Shriners Hospitals for Children — Canada is now gradually reopening and ramping up its activities. We invite you to contact your care coordinator should you have any questions or concerns.

To protect the health and safety of our patients and families, we have implemented the following measures:

  • We ask you to please limit the number of people who will accompany a patient and/or visit as follows:
    • We have established the following methods of operation:
      • In-patient unit (fourth floor)
        All visiting* is limited with the exception of one(1) close family member per patient during the day and night.
      • Ambulatory clinic
        Patients may be accompanied by one (1) person* at a time.
      • Ambulatory surgery
        Patients may be accompanied by one (1) person* at a time.

        *It is strongly advised that individuals aged 70 or more should NOT be among these visitors.

  • Upon arrival and at each visit to the hospital:
    • If you have not arrived with a mask we will provide one.
    • You will have to go through a screening process at every entrance of the hospital.
    • Your temperature will be taken.
    • Questions below will be asked:
      • Are you or anyone that you live with experiencing ANY of the following: fever, cough, sneezing, sore throat, difficulty breathing, headache or muscle pain, vomiting, diarrhea, or acute loss of smell?
      • Have you provided care or had close contact with a person who is COVID-19 positive or suspected to be COVID-19 positive?

If your answer is YES to ANY of these questions or your temperature is elevated, a health care professional will decide on the next steps regarding your visit. You may have to return home. In that case, your appointment will be rescheduled.

We have implemented all appropriate preventive and hygienic measures to ensure a maximum level of protection for people coming through our doors.

We will be keeping a list of all appointments that have been postponed, and we will prioritize rescheduling as soon as the situation permits.

Worried about COVID-19? Contact this number, free of charge: 1-877-644-4545.

If you have symptoms, call this number: 811.

On behalf of our entire team, we cannot thank you enough for your consideration and support.

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Next Steps

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