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Contact Us

Here, families are never alone on their children's healthcare journey

Below you will find a number of useful resources, including a list of frequently used numbers as well as contacts for patient referrals, sharing your feedback, donating, volunteering and more. We welcome your call or email.

If your child is experiencing an emergency situation, please call 911.

Where to Find Us

Shriners Children’s Northern California
2425 Stockton Blvd.
Sacramento, CA 95817

916-453-2388 (fax)

Request an Appointment

Families and caregivers seeking treatment should start by contacting us by phone, email or fax, or by completing our Request an Appointment form.

Contact Shiners Children's Northern California:
916-453-2395 (fax)

Toll-free patient referral line for the United States:

Toll-free patient referral line for Canada:

Refer a Patient

Physicians and health professionals can contact us with questions about our services by phone, email or fax, or by completing our Patient Referral Form.

Patient referrals for Shiners Children's Northern California:
916-453-2395 (fax)

Toll-free patient referral line for the United States:

Toll-free patient referral line for Canada:

Frequently Used Numbers for Patients

Outpatient clinic: 916-453-2180

Care management: 916-453-2090. Learn More About Our Treatment Approach

Health information/medical records: 916-453-2164

Hospital tours: 916-453-2087

Prevention programs: 916-453-2018

Share Your Compliments, Concerns and Suggestions

We’d like to hear about your visit and welcome your feedback. 

Shriners Children’s Northern California
2425 Stockton Blvd.
Sacramento, CA 95817

916-453-2388 (fax)

You can also share any concerns during your child's visit by speaking with the manager of the department or service area. Learn More.

Visit our Ethics and Compliance page for more options on providing feedback.

Media and Public Relations Inquiries

Media and public relations: 916-453-2218

Volunteering and Donations

Volunteer services:

916-453-2087, or email:

Donations, monetary and material: 916-453-2321

Careers and Continuing Education for Healthcare Professionals

Continuing education courses and lunchtime lectures: 916-453-2041.

Other Questions?

Visit the Shriners Children's Northern California Home Page

We Understand the Unique Medical Needs of Children

We provide vital, pioneering treatment from birth to age 18. Here, children have the opportunity to be evaluated and treated by doctors recognized as the best by their peers.