Visiting Us

Visit Shriners Children's Hawaiʻi

When visitors arrive, we're as happy to see them as the children are. Visitors can bring a smile to a patient's face and help them pass the time. But they can do more than that. Feeling supported by family and friends can also help enhance the healing process.

We ask that all guests, visitors and family members join us in creating a positive environment where hope and healing meet.

Your Safety Is Our Top Priority

Shriners Children's Hawaiʻi is open and caring for patients. We provide surgical care for pediatric patients, expanded clinic appointments and are accepting referrals for new patients and consultations.

To protect the health of patients, families and employees, we have the following safety measures in place:

  • For inpatients, two visitors (one parent/guardian plus one other person greater than 12 years of age) are allowed. ID bands are given to identify two visitors per child who will be allowed to visit at separate times throughout the stay.
  • Staff members required to wear facemasks when providing direct patient care.
  • Patients and visitors encouraged to stay home if not feeling well.

General Visiting Guidelines

To maintain a family-friendly, healing environment, we ask that all visitors respect the following guidelines:

  • Two designated visitors may accompany a patient to a scheduled surgery. Surgical visitors must be designated in advance.
  • All visitors must check in at the reception desk in the lobby where they will record their destination and be given a visitor’s badge.
  • We recommend making childcare arrangements for siblings prior to the visit.
  • Nursing staff can share any additional infection control measures that may be necessary.
  • Latex (rubber) balloons are not permitted in the building. Patients may receive Mylar balloons. Live plants or cut flowers are not permitted in patient areas since they pose a risk for spreading germs. Non-washable toys and stuffed animals are limited to one per patient.
  • The nursing staff must first approve any food brought in before it can be given to a patient in case they have dietary restrictions.
  • No smoking is permitted on Shriners Children's Hawaiʻi grounds.
  • No photographs of other patients may be taken.
  • Possession and/or use of alcoholic beverages or drugs is not permitted.
  • Aggressive behavior directed toward persons and property is not acceptable.
  • Sleeping in a vehicle that is parked overnight in our parking area or sleeping in any other area of the facility is prohibited.

Sleeping Guidelines for Parents

Upon admission to the floor, parents/guardians will receive a green bracelet. Please do not remove this, as this will help us identify designated family members. As space permits, one parent per patient may stay overnight in the patient's room. A bedside sleeper and chair are provided. A parent bathroom/shower and refrigerator are also available for your convenience.

Gifts for Patients

Please limit gifts to small, inexpensive items. Shriners Children's Hawaiʻi is not responsible for lost belongings. For safety reasons, do not bring suckers/lollipops, hard candy, nuts, gum or rubber balloons.


Hospital phones are for Shriners Children's staff members. Therefore, patient and parent use of hospital phones is limited. We take messages only in emergencies. Please ask which phones may be used for long distance (collect and calling card) calls.

Movies, Shows and Portable Electronic Devices

All movies/shows brought in for patients' use must be age-appropriate for viewing. Check with the charge nurse if there are any questions. In-room televisions are for patients' viewing, and channels selected should be age-appropriate. Any electronic devices that play music or sound should be at low volume levels, and headphones/earbuds are recommended.

Unit Rules

Our rules are posted on the nursing unit to make every patient's stay comfortable, and we enforce these rules for everyone's safety and comfort. The nurses are always available to discuss these issues or answer your questions.

Food Service

Visitors and staff are welcome to visit the Honu Café and dine, relax and recharge in the dining room or enjoy the lush garden in the outdoor lanai area.

The Honu Café offers a variety of flavorful menu items prepared by our dedicated nutrition services team. Food items are prepared fresh daily and served cafeteria-style or individually packaged for safety and convenience.

Honu Café Hours


6 a.m.–3 p.m.

Weekends and Holidays


Meal Service

Hot food line open 6 a.m.–10 a.m.

Grab n Go 10 a.m.–11 a.m.

Hot food line open 11 a.m.–2 p.m.

Grab n Go 2 p.m.– 3 p.m.

Cash, credit cards and debit cards are accepted.

There are no vending machines or ATMs in the facility.

Support During Your Time With Us

Learn more about the services and programs Shriners Children's Hawai`i offers our patients and their families