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Liam Carries Confidence

AmazeKids: Liam Carries Confidence

Liam is a competitive wheelchair basketball player born with myelomeningocele, a serious form of spina bifida where the spinal column does not develop and close. As a result, Liam doesn’t have feeling in his legs, from the knee down. Liam’s recent interest in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, is a natural fit given practitioners of this art focus on the movements called “ground-rolling”, working to successfully overtake an opponent through learned tactics. Liam’s goal? To become stronger and more experienced in fighting.
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What's up, Liam?


Oh, hey Parker.


What you doing?


I'm going to Jujitsu.


Isn't that like karate?


Kind of, but different.


You and I know a lot about different, huh? So how'd you get into it?


Life has always been a little different being in a wheelchair, but my doctors and nurses at Shriners Children's have always given me the most amazing care to be able to do all of the things I love.

Jujitsu was something I always wanted to try. It's taught me so much about being strong with my mind and my body, and it's given me the confidence to know that I can do whatever I put my mind to.


Wow, that's amazing. Speaking of confidence, I can use a little help with my shot. Think you can help me?


Yeah. I got you.


My man. Come on, let's go.

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[Shriners Children's logo]