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Chasing a Dream

While walking comes naturally to many children, it was a challenge for Romina, who was diagnosed with cerebral palsy (CP) after she was born prematurely at 7 months.

CP affects her motor skills, meaning every step towards walking is a huge success. Romina has shown unwavering strength.

CP impacts muscle tone, movement and coordination, presenting very particular challenges. For 10-year-old Romina, her biggest challenge has been mastering the ability to walk.

Before receiving care at Shriners Children's Monterrey, Romina was struggling. She had deformed feet, causing pain and physical and emotional challenges. She underwent medical interventions that brought about a remarkable change. The deformities in her feet have been corrected and the persistent pain has been relieved. Romina’s emotional transformation is also evident. She radiates joy and happiness.

Over her year as a Shriners patient, Romina underwent a surgical procedure in our hospital in Mexico City, where they lengthened her tendon and operated on the calcaneus bones in her feet. Despite understandable concerns, her mother, Abi, praises the care and support provided by medical staff.

Now Romina is preparing for the next phase of her treatment: the therapy recommended by doctors.

The surgeries were challenging for Romina, but she has always shown exceptional courage. Her strong will to improve and walk gave her the strength needed for the interventions.
Abi, Romina's mom

Romina is not just a brave patient, but a passionate content creator. She enjoys making and sharing videos. Her passion for music and drawing illustrates her vibrant spirit. Her biggest dream, however, is simple but powerful: riding a bike. Therapy brings her one step closer to making her dream come true.

As Romina moves forward with the recommended therapy, her family celebrates not only her physical progress but the whole family’s emotional and spiritual growth. The young girl embodies strength and courage. She has shown her family how to overcome challenges and truly embrace one’s differences.

Next steps

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