A.B.A.T.E. of Oregon Brings Holiday Cheer to Shriners Children’s Portland
Excited onlookers of staff, patients and volunteers welcome A.B.A.T.E. riders as they near the hospital.
After two years of abbreviated rides, the long-standing tradition held dear to many Portland locals’ hearts returned. The 43rd Shriners Toy Run by A.B.A.T.E. of Oregon (A Brotherhood Aimed Towards Education) was a tremendous show of holiday cheer and generosity.
One hundred and fifty bikers rode their motorcycles across the Ross Island Bridge in parade fashion on December 3, with plenty of toys for patients in tow. Watching the bikers climb up Marquam Hill to the hospital, Shriners Children’s Portland staff, volunteers and patients excitedly prepared to greet the A.B.A.T.E. riders. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the toy run had been reduced to a smaller size, but 2022 brought the tradition back in full swing. Bringing hundreds of toys that will be given to Shriners Children’s Portland patients throughout 2023, A.B.A.T.E. members were welcomed to the hospital with hot chocolate, warm cider and festive cookies.
Our shelves went from empty to full, and we’re already looking forward to next year.
Toys given to children while at the hospital offer comfort and distraction during their visit. “The generous toy delivery always helps us stock our shelves for the upcoming year to use for birthdays, Christmas, or just because a child needs a pick-me-up,” said Shriners Children’s Portland child life therapist Cindy Millard. From the benevolence of the community, patients are able to take a piece of their Shriners Children’s Portland stay home to reflect on positively. These special moments are only possible with the help of kind-hearted donors such as A.B.A.T.E. of Oregon.
Shriners Children’s Portland welcomes toy donations all year long! Call 971-544-3338 or visit the hospital’s Amazon Wishlist to find out how you can support Shriners Children’s Portland’s toy needs. The hospital's greatest need is toys for middle- and high-school-aged patients.
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